
The evolution of self-service laundry

Grandimpianti's smart laundry solution

High technology, respect for the environment and an eye for saving: self-service laundries are transforming to keep pace with new customer needs and challenges due to ever higher energy costs. Thus, versatility, customisation, ease of use and optimisation of resources are becoming increasingly crucial for the owners.

Wavy washing machines and dryers, meet these indispensable requirements for the sector but they also have other important features, such as high reliability, due to high quality materials, and maximum autonomy thanks to the potential of Industry 4.0.

Grandimpianti appliances, equipped with the same user interface, which uses the language of icons, are both easy to use and extremely intuitive: the washing cycle corresponds to a drying cycle with the exact same icon, recognisable even by less experienced users. Moreover, there is also synergy in their size (from 8 kg to 28 kg) andaesthetics (same glossy frontals and identical 7" vertical touch screen display).

Both, then, offer technical solutions to optimise consumption: thanks to the patented Dynamic Weighing System (DWS), the washing machines automatically dose water, detergents and energy according to the real amount of load in the drum (no more underloaded machines) while the dryers, due to two temperature probes and the special drying diagram, automatically adjust cycle intensity and duration according to the changes in linen weight and humidity, saving energy and reducing drying times.

The laundry managercan easily create, in complete autonomy, specific cycles for customers with special needs or define prices and discounts to build customer loyalty. Through the Wi-Fi connection and the TheMind.cloud service, then, he can even monitor and manage remotely individual machines and/or outlets, at any time and without unnecessary travel.

Finally, laundry customers can also exploit the potential of the Wavy connected equipment to their advantage: by framing the QR code attached to the machine, they are able to know when to come back to pick up their laundry, consult the online area showing the time remaining at the end of the cycle, and even check if there are any free machines in the shop or when they will be available.

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